Tonight’s workout was taught by one of Sensei Yaguchi’s senior instructors, Gordon. We started off with our warmup combination, followed by 50 standing punches, and 50 front kicks on each leg. Then we moved into kata. We did Heian Shodan, forwards and backwards. We also did Tekki Shodan, Nidan, and Sandan, and then did our own personal katas for about 20 minutes.
After a bit, we got a partner and we were supposed to show bunkai (application) of our choice of techniques within my kata. I picked the upward spearhand thrust, then kicking combination of techniques from Sochin. It was pretty fun! My partner, Miguel, selected the double rising block, rib smash, and punch from Bassai Dai. I also found out tonight that they do the vertical block to inward forearm strike from Empi differently than we do… they actually pivot their foot to a 45 degree angle from kibadachi, turn their entire body to a 45 degree angle as they go up on one foot and do the strike entirely to the side, and then rotate back to face front as they land back in kibadachi for the vertical knifehand block and two punches. I found that VERY interesting. They had never seen it my way before, so it was an equal trade of information.
We then did Tekki Sandan one more time to cool down, and finished with 50 front kicks with each leg from the floor (kicking up toward the ceiling) with the other leg held up off the ground. It hurt, bad. That was all for me tonight!
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