Tasha and I went shopping today after lunch, and I decided that it was time to replace my iPod case with one that wasn’t cracking around the edges badly.
We headed in to the Apple Store in Flat Irons Crossing Mall, where I quickly selected a replacement case. There are three things that strike me about the Apple Store: one, their products are awesome even though they are considerably expensive. Second: there is ALWAYS someone at this store that smells like rampant, fetid B.O. every time I go in there. This time it was a hippy looking guy that was waiting for the Genius Bar. Anyone that is shopping at the Apple Store for ANYTHING can afford some SpeedStick.
Finally, an aggravating thing about the Apple Store: they only have one cash register in that place. It was busy on a Saturday afternoon and we had to stand in a relatively short line for what felt like 10 minutes but was actually closer to five minutes. I was easily in line longer than I was in the store to pick out my item. Why in the world would they design this place in this fashion? I understand it is common to have lines in order to have people spend longer in the store, but who impulse buys a $2000 laptop? Not me, that’s for sure.
So ends my adventure to the Apple Store today, thankfully I don’t have hippy stink on me any longer.
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