I came home from work, fairly beat after a long day of preparing for a big meeting that ended up being more of a fizzle. I got home, Tasha asked if I still felt like grilling and yes I did very much. So this evening I fired up the grill for the first time this year, cleaned it using aluminum foil since my grill scraper has gone AWOL, and proceeded to make some pork chops from Omaha Steaks that we had in the freezer.
As I ate dinner, I realized that my energy level was fading fast. Before those of you that worry about such things worry about such things: YES I’ve been eating and YES I’ve been trying to sleep better, the latter being more difficult due to a nagging allergies-related cough. I have heavily medicated myself for the last few days in hopes of getting past these allergies, but a nagging post-nasal drip (hey, you asked) has caused a cough that keeps me up at night.
This precipitated a giant nap tonight due to the following thought process: “I’m tired, I’ll have a nap before Big Bang Theory” and in reality turned into “I’m tired, I’ll have a nap before Family Guy reruns come on”. I’m feeling considerably better because of it, but I can tell I’m still not out of the blooming, allergy laden woods yet. So I’m headed down to feed the rabbits, then back to bed with me.
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