Words don’t describe how excited I am to announce that Tasha and I are expecting our first baby!
We’re at 9 1/2 weeks (due March 26) along and we got to take that excellent picture and hear the baby’s heartbeat (a healthy 170 beats per minute) on Wednesday. My favorite part of the appointment was when the doctor wanted to try to “wake up the baby” and did so by gently prodding Tasha’s stomach until the baby twitched and moved a little in protest. It was a really awesome sight, and we were both relieved to see some proof aside from the blue + on the home pregnancy test.
Tasha’s doing fine, aside from constant all-day nausea and pretty significant fatigue (both normal symptoms). The doctor said everything looks great with the baby and we’re both very excited about the next doctor’s appointment. I’ll post more progress here, so stay tuned. It’s going to be an interesting 9 months!
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