Today I got a really significant part of our application at work finished up and ready for release with the rest of our development team. It was a big milestone and we’re all pretty relieved that it is complete. I finished up my contribution just minutes before it was time to head out to the doctor’s appointment with Tasha. We got to hear the baby’s heartbeat and we found out that the quad screen came back normal, all very good news. Tasha’s gotta eat more calories to make up for her aversion to sugar so she can gain some healthy pregnancy weight (she hasn’t gained much so far), but the doctor said everything was still in the acceptable level but she needed to work on it a little.
Tonight I went to play Deadlands with the guys, so it was a nice capper to a long and productive work day. Now I’m on to converting a website for a friend of mine, so it’s time to finish up yet another project!
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