Today’s workout was a good one! Our combination for the day was: step forward with a downward block with one hand and a rear leg front kick at the same time, landing with jab then reverse punch. He kept pushing the class to cover more and more distance, and I was proud to say that I was able to keep up and covered ground quite well. I noticed much of his advice about covering distance was nearly verbatim the suggestions that Sensei Brewer and Sensei Hartman make about the same topic. I love it when karate converges.
Then Sensei Yaguchi broke from the template slightly, having a bit more partner training than normal. We did a series of three-time attacks today, mostly focusing on a chudan-jodan-chudan series of attacks. The defender was allowed any blocks they wanted and the standard reverse punch counterattack. I noted a few of Yaguchi’s senior black belts were working on reaching a long way with each punch and it was rather effective. After that, Sensei Yaguchi called the 6th degree and higher black belts out to have them perform 5-time attack. There was one pair that was particularly interesting to watch. One of the instructors was really projecting with his punches and happened to tag one of the others in the face slightly. The other guy proceeded to respond with his series of attacks on his turn, opting for what appeared to be a series of pressing blocks in lieu of the first four punches, opting to cover distance to try to land what appeared to be a strongish final punch. It didn’t work out so well (not to mention looking a little… well… odd), as it was roundly blocked and then countered.
Since I had to make it back home so I could get to work by 8 am for a meeting, I had to leave a few minutes early right as the rest of the black belts were heading into Gankaku. Probably best… I’m not sure I could have made it through that kata if I had to do it in 15 seconds… my memory of it is just not that strong yet. The last day of Kangeiko is tomorrow!
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