I had a productive day of writing unit tests and reviewing code, which I found way more relaxing than I probably should. The day was still pretty hectic despite this soothing work, with many meeetings and consultations punctuating my productivity. After that, it was quickly off to Noodles & Company before birthing class, and now we only have one class left (plus a few DVDs to watch). Tonight was a fun class, we got to tour the birthing center where we will actually have our baby. This made all of the education seem very real, the few short weeks now seem even closer to reality.
That’s about all there is going on right now. I’ve been watching a lot of the news coverage of the Christchurch earthquakes closely. I have several friends/coworkers that live there, and the shots of the devastation, injuries and deaths are truly heartwrenching. I believe all of my coworkers are accounted for, thankfully. If you’ve got some extra prayers, point them toward New Zealand. They need them.
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