Can you get addicted to Diet Coke? CNN says yes, which means I’m totally screwed. Even though I’ve been cutting back, I have found it sufficiently difficult to kick the diet soda habit. I have been working on reducing my intake, but I’ve only been able to manage getting down to the 2-6 soda a day range. When I don’t have it for a few days, I crave it. The more research I read, the more I know it is physically doing me harm. I think it even acts a bit like a mental crutch and that’s not good either.
The caffeine affects my sleep schedule, the aspartame and other chemical melange probably contributes to my recent acid reflux problems.
This might be adding up to a decision for what to give up for Lent, but I’m not sure if I can do it. Especially given the fact that the baby will be arriving and it will be hard enough to get enough sleep and stay awake, but I think this might be something I can swing. That’s what it’s all about, right? Denying oneself of something that you know is destructive to you… we’ll see, I’ve got until Ash Wednesday to decide.
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