Tasha and I were watching an ad on TV for a local sporting good store, where they advertised an Easton Speedbat at $80 off, which brought the price down to $170. Now, I don’t remember too much about the cost of things but when I remember playing in Little League I don’t remember bats costing this much. This is where I grumble on about things not being like they used to and how annoying that is.
In other news, I am now two days in to giving up soda and the caffeine withdrawal is starting to set in. I’ve had a mild headache all day, eye and face twitches (this is weird), and I’ve been tired. I did get one piece of good news today: my skin biospy came back negative, so I don’t have skin cancer! Even though the doctor told me not to worry too much, one can’t help but be concerned. But no more worries, but I will get checked each year anyway just to be on the safe side.
Now I’m off to take a nap, hopefully I will wake up without a headache and be able to focus again. Time will tell!
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