Today was a long day at the office. A crop of bugs popped up, and I was basically the only person on our team in Westminster today. That meant it was up to me to triage the bugs and determine the best possible course of action. I tend to do this best when I have a pair to program with… someone to bounce ideas off of and determine the best course. Investigation is harder when done alone in a vacuum, and it was this reality that I was stuck with today.
This made the day pass quickly, however I was happy to see the end of the work day. I screwed up my back at karate on Friday, so I headed to a fix-up chiropractic appointment right after work and it was much needed. The doctor had to spend a fair amount of time on my lower back and my upper neck had a very loud adjustment. It feels much better now, I need to get back to strengthening exercises so my back doesn’t slip out so often.
The rest of the evening was spent listlessly surfing the Internet after dinner. I may look for more ways to make myself unplug more often… I find that I’m spending a lot of time aimlessly surfing around on the Internet. If I have a project to work on that’s one thing, but if I’m just burning time that’s a big waste. I haven’t decided how I’m going to accomplish this quite yet, but it’ll be something to work on.
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