After a long arduous day of travel, I have arrived back in Denver safe and sound. The flight from Chicago to Peoria went just fine, however the Chicago to Denver trip was VERY turbulent. They stopped drink service 3 times so the flight attendants could put their seatbelts on, and they just passed on the last cabin check at the end of the flight due to the bumpiness. It wasn’t that bad, flying on a big plane like that is certainly more interesting. I don’t know if it was my view from behind the wing but I got the same sinking pit of the stomach feeling that I used to get on roller coasters as the plane was lifting off.
They had in-flight video service, where they played an episode of 30 Rock, The Office, and some nature show. I listened to my iPod the whole time, since I am not an avid fan of those shows. It seems that the weather held enough for us to get into Denver, where Tasha was waiting for me amid the rain. The rain turned into a wintery mix about halfway home, and into sloppy wet snow right around Westminster.
Right now it’s coming down in buckets, we’re unsure if we’re going to get to Colorado Springs to see Dave Ramsey after all. We’ll see how things look tomorrow!
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