I spent most of last night attempting to get the new version of Gnome for my Linux machine… everything is moving along rather well, considering I’ve never set up something like this before. Early this morning I realized that there was a package dependancy for the build I was attempting, so I called it a night and am going to go back after it when I get off work today until it’s time for bowling.
Basically, things *should* go smoothly after I get these packages installed and then I will be firmly in Gnome 2.4 bliss. If you want to know more about it, there’s a link in the previous entry about it.
Aside from that, I got to sleep until noon today, which was a nice change of pace from getting 3 hours of sleep. I feel like a human being today, which hasn’t happened for a long time. I got to work, again there wasn’t anything to do, so I continued working on my VRML assignments for class. Then I went to class, where a bunch of the foreigners were cutting up during class for some stupid reason (I think they were passing notes like third graders, but I have no idea). I just got back to the office, where once again no work has materialized, so here I am.
I decided to do a rough interpretation of Hogwart’s Great Hall for my VRML room that they’re making me do… it should have enough neat features to fulfill the requirements. I am not going to go into obscene detail, but I want the basics… double doors, four long tables… night sky ceiling… floating candles… etc. Someone in my class had the idea that I should emulate the banner change at the end of Sorcerers Stone as my scripted element, but I don’t know if I have the energy to do that.
In other news, yesterday I applied for a job at State Farm via Monster.com, so we’ll see if anything comes of that. State Farm has not had a lot of contact since I did this the last time, so I’m not holding out a lot of hope.
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