Today I had the good fortune of being holed up in a meeting from 9 am to 12:15 pm. The meeting involved planning for my Masters Project, which is coming together nicely, and made even better by the fact that UCSS is not going to be able to update LDAP fast enough for me to have to learn to use it for my project. Things are starting to drop into place already, so that is a Good Thing.
I am knocking off from work early today, in order to bowl before Karate Club, and then drink beer and watch Family Guy. It’s strange… a Friday where I am relaxing. What is this world coming to?
I would also like to mark the passing of John Ritter and Johnny Cash… Three’s Company is among some of my first memories and Johnny Cash was just plain cool. Just goes to show you that you never know when you’re going to die from aortic dissection, so live every day like Don Knotts was going to break up your fun.
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