That interview went GREAT. I’m am now officially super-jazzed.
They asked me a lot about my project management experience, of which I cited my contract work on the RIS Auction site and my id Software license position. They asked about my software experience, my ideal work environment, what gives me a buzz from working, what frustrates me at work, and whether or not I’d be willing to relocate (in a heartbeat, I said). They said very little about their remote telecommuting work, I asked them and they said it was a project by project basis and that was about all that was said. More was said about how I’d fit in a small office environment. 🙂
They said that they’d contact me again inside of two weeks about what’s going to be next. From here, it could be a second onsite interview, they weren’t sure yet. The guys I talked with seemed ultra cool, and I think working for them would be just awesome. Tasha’s onboard for heading out there if I get the job, so here’s to hopin’!
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