Reasons why one does not leave their Semagic available as Windows starts:
1. The Evil Midget uses one’s computer for various reasons to find such a wonderful thing…..
OK that’s all. rather lame I understand. I don’t have the heart to be evil to dante. Aside from the occasional bouts of worthlessness he really is a pretty decent sort of guy. Yeah, that’s stretching it at times and those times when I do begin to wonder I have remind myself that someone like Tasha sees the good in him.
I love Tasha, she’s a sweetheart and deserves the best in the world. So, if she thinks that she will receive the best from Josh, well I have no reason to doubt otherwise. More than anything he has faithfully put up with my bits (ok the amount is debatable) of insanity. Thank you. It has meant quite a bit.
but, I will remind Joshua that I will be attending his wedding, invited or not, and when the crowd is asked if there is anyone who feels these two wonderful people should not join in harmonious matrimony, I will stand and give yet another famous evil midget bit of pointless rambling until his karate friends descend upon me (I have already been assured this will happen) as if God himself were directing the attack on his favorite fallen angel. Oh well. Our father down below has assured me a spot, I can feel them stoking the fires already.
~ e.m.
[ I was hoping to be able to add a picture of stitch but found out that I had to login online to do that. Didn’t have that capability. So imagine if you will the scene in Lilo and Stitch at the very end when Stitch is doing the launddry, finds a bikini top and wraps it around his head then makes a cape and flys off the washing machine.]
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