A funny non-plot related story from our screening of Return of the King…
The average age of the people in the theatre with us was roughly 18 yrs old, and it was a madhouse during the previews and trivia games, etc. before the film started. After the movie began, dead silence. I have to hand it to the caffeine/cocaine riddled teens that were there, they were mostly well behaved. Roughly two hours into the movie, the projector decides to teleport us from Mordor, Middle Earth to some stupid trivia question about Bette Midler. The entire theatre went up for grabs.
Then this poor fool in a suit came and and told the whole theatre that the projector was malfunctioning and they’d have it fixed in five minutes, to boos and expletives all around. Right after he finishes talking, about five guy vault the railing and start running RIGHT TOWARD THIS GUY. I thought, great, we’re going to have to fight our way out of the theatre. The look on the suited theatre turd’s face was hilarious, but the guys ran right past him toward the restrooms. I thought they were going to kill him, and so did he, and then most of the theatre emptied to the cans while the projector was being fixed. The film started back up about five minutes later, at nearly the same spot in the film so no death was necessary.
Until I have clearance that my friends have all seen this movie, I am sitting on a large review. I expect it will be clear by early next week.
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