Saturday marked the onset of my very first D&D campaign, and it went off quite well. Tasha and I headed up to Matt and Sarah’s early in order to do some shopping ahead of time… we misjudged slightly and were about a half hour early so we hung around Wal-Mart for awhile.
After Matt and Sarah got done with their dinner function, we got started and rolled up characters. Since it was Sarah’s first time, we spent a lot of time explaining to her the reasons behind the stats, rolls, and skills. Rolling up took several hours, between everyone getting their stats rolled, placed, and spells and abilities selected.
When the playing began, I was initially a bit concerned with how to get the characters together in a coherent group. Luckily, chaos provided, and they ended up getting together. After a bit of initial confusion, Sarah quickly dropped right into character and really made some amusing decisions as her gnomish rogue. Matt’s character reminds me of one of my favorite characters, which just so happens to be one of the leaders of this town by the time this campaign is underway, and they met much more quickly than I had anticipated. It worked out well.
True to form, Tasha played a very aloof elven ranger that became quiet caretaker of the crazy people that fate had thrust upon her, and the roles appeared to be setting themselves well. I threw an Owlbear at them a bit early, but through some good RP and good die rolls they were able to prevail with no casualties.
Good job to my group, they’re doing great so far!
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