Good weird dream last night….
For some reason I joined the cast of “The Apprentice”. Apparently we had won a challenge, and were rewarded with a trip to one of Donald Trump’s homes.
He decided to treat us with a cookout and told us we could feel free to change into anything comfortable we wanted. We went into his room to change, and there was a load of antique baseball uniforms there. This was strange to me, so I went and asked him if anything in here had sentimental value and he didn’t want us to wear it.
I don’t remember what he said, but I do remember that after putting on a uniform everyone was polymorphed to have Donald Trump hair. It was awful.
I don’t remember what else happened, except the fact that Ivana showed up in a minivan and she was going to drive us home. She took me back to my parents house for some reason and I had a brainstorm that she might want to buy some of my Mom’s Longaberger baskets.
I invite her in, and our dog Kodi almost knocks her down. He does this to everyone, no big deal. Ivana walks up to my Mom, who was making fried potatoes for some reason. She basically drops the Longaberger catalog and says “I want two of everything.” I remember my Mom drawing up the invoice and she made a commission of $12,573.
I woke up to my new cell phone’s alarm clock, which is loud enough to wake the dead. This was one of my more detailed and strange dreams, I’m glad I remembered so much.
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