Last night was really a great workout. I’m glad I had the opportunity to talk to Oedewaldt before class so we could collaborate on what the class was going to be about, because I think everyone got a GREAT kata workout as a result. This is doubly good because I got
He had the class do in-place reverse punches and front kicks much like traditional Macomb workout. Around 7:15, we split up into belt-rank groups. I got the white belts and yellow belts, which was good because I wanted to work on Tasha’s kata with her. Luckily, after about five minutes Rush-san and Parrot-san came in to assist so I had them take the white belts.
Before we broke up, I gave the white and yellow belts yet another talk on respect in the dojo and how they should train hard with spirit and focus. I did this mostly because I think if it is explicitly reinforced as often as possible it will sink in better.
We worked hard on the last few moves of Heian Shodan, as well as a few of the new techniques that are different from Taikyoku. The yellow belts need more work on a.) back stance and b.) knife-hand block. So we did. I also took the opportunity to show them some bunkai for the new moves, so they get to see what exactly they are doing.
One of the yellow belts kept asking to go to the bathroom. He’s the one that does this all the time with no need, so I told him he couldn’t go until the end of class. He told me he had a bad itch. I told him to tough it out. He complained a little bit but I wasn’t budging. He made it all the way through class without succumbing to the horrible itch.
The second class each of the black belts got to pick a kata, and the entire class did it twice at about half/three-quarters speed. Oedewaldt picked Kanku-Sho and elected not to count through it, which completely lost the lower belts. I did Empi and counted, as not to lose the lower ranks and it seemed to work out pretty well. McCabe picked Hangetsu, which warranted a quick explanation of Hangetsu-dachi. Most everyone picked it up and it turns out Tasha is naturally very good at that stance because that’s the way her hips work.
That wrapped up the advanced class right at 8:30. It was a good traditional “just do kata” workout that we haven’t had for awhile. Tasha had fun seeing the different katas, I think, as did most of the other lower belts. I know I always enjoyed doing the black belt katas as I was coming up the ranks.
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