I had a truly spectacular dream last night. Usually I don’t share dreams online, but this one was so weird and vivid that it’s worth it.
The high school that Tasha and I attended has fallen into disrepair, littered now with graffiti and parts of it have been torn down (this part is true). For some reason I was exploring the school, looking at how strange the place looked with everything removed, peeling paint, and graffiti everywhere. As I was doing this, I discovered that in the basement of the school existed the ruins of where they taped Sesame Street and several other childhood shows that I can recall vividly from my youth.
I explored for awhile, uncovering sets from Fraggle Rock, Sesame Street, and a few locales that I am pretty sure actually existed. I eventually left, figuring that the prevalent graffiti meant that this place had been mostly explored and I was just discovering it myself for the first time. The scene changed, and I was explaining all this to my parents and how odd and interesting it was. Dad went on to describe to me the way that Sesame Street was when he was a kid, and there was a place in Louisiana (?) where most of those scenes were shot that were still there. He indicated that we used to go there when I was a kid a lot and that I might remember it, so I went there to investigate.
Now it was a creole bar, but it was clear that they made a lot of revenue from people like me who went there to explore their childhood. My dream-self remembered a certain wooden rocking horse that was now tiny, and I was grappling with whether or not to steal it so my daughter could ride on the same little rocking horse. Amid my explorations of this place, I remembered an attic and basement as a kid that only I knew about, and after finding that I found a lot of undisturbed ruins that somehow looked back up with the known ruins under my high school.
I don’t really know what the point of this dream was, but it was neat to explore some things that I hadn’t thought about since I was a kid. It was kind’ve “Indiana Jones meets saturday morning cartoons” and was very fun for me. Tomorrow we will return to our normally scheduled programming. 🙂