Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my 2,500th post on this blog.
After a false start of around 10 or so posts (mostly relating to the death of my old dog), I re-started my blog on June 20th, 2003 while bored at college. I remember the person in this specific blog post, when I made the post, and the sheer choking boredom of that summer. I had graduated with my BS in Computer Science and was working for the University Relations department while taking summer classes so I could get my Masters wrapped up quickly. I was living in a terrible little rental house near campus and my reality was work, class, and my Honors College graduate assistantship.
During that time I was whiling away my days chatting with Matt, who at the time was maintaining his truly excellent personal blog and talked me in to restarting mine, reminding me of the heady days of the Zen/2 BBS in the early 90’s. So I headed over to Livejournal and set up the original Chronicles of the Great Nerd Warrior, which transitioned early this year to WordPress on my personal domain. (The original blog is still being maintained thanks to a Livejournal Crossposting plugin, which is really good stuff.)
I have enjoyed this blog as an outlet for my thoughts, rantings, and random things that I find interesting. Last year I made it a goal to see how close I could get to posting daily for an entire year, and I was able to get 386 posts over 319 days. Just a bit shy of my target, but respectable for a first try. This year I’m doing considerably better than that, however I’m going to leave you all in suspense on the specific numbers until the year is over.
For the three of you that continue to read on a regular basis, thanks for reading. Aside from continuing to post, I don’t really know what I can do to make this more entertaining but I will definitely try!
Here’s to 2,500 more!