Some work-days, Paul has an errand to run and I join him. Often, he has checks to deposit in his bank account, which is also the same Wells Fargo branch that we do our banking at. Because he often deals in foreign currency (being foreign as he is) his transactions often take a long time, so I busy myself standing around watching their plasma TV that usually has Food TV on.
Invariably, their staff come around and asks if I need any help. The record for overly helpful staff members is three, a trend that I find quite annoying. Today, I opted to lean against a wall, crossed arms, with my iPod in for the duration of Paul’s few minutes at the service desk. This did not deter two overly helpful staff members from bothering me, despite all clear indicators that I did not want to be talked to or helped.
I think I just need a “NO I DON’T NEED HELP – I AM JUST WAITING FOR PAUL” t-shirt to wear while I’m in there. Now, before everyone points it out… yes, I know that they have a company policy that requires them to greet everyone that comes in. I still find it annoying.