Well, for those of you keeping score I succeeded at most of my tasks today. It took two trips, but I got proper light bulbs for the track lighting in the kitchen. I also replaced the light switch cover that was taken by the previous tenant, which was made easier by the discovery of a flat head screwdriver in the corner of the basement.
I also got a firewood holder, but I still need to find some firewood. I got a tub of laundry detergent and did up all of the work laundry from this week. The only dirty clothes in the house are the ones I’m wearing right now, which should earn me a few brownie points when Tasha shows up tomorrow.
The moving guys are showing up here with our stuff between 8 and 10 am tomorrow! I’m pretty darned excited to have my bed and our sofa back… the living room floor is hard and my quality of life will drastically improve when I can sit on the couch again.