It’s hard to call tonight’s effort a day of work, but I did complete a few more steps today. I sanded the edges of the neck flush with the fretboard, fitted the bridge, and prepped everything for putting the lacquer on.
Now I have a problem. I need a dust-free area to apply the finish, however the lacquer is highly flammable and toxic so I have to do it in a ventilated area. I thought about my basement, but with the water heater and furnace pilot that’s not a good idea around flammable whatnots. Plus the rabbits would probably die.
That leaves my garage, which is a dust/hair/debris factory. That’s a problem for wet lacquer. So I think I’m going to need to construct a makeshift spray booth so I can apply the finish and not worry about dirt and dust settling on it. Plus I can use it for other projects! Maybe a trip to Lowe’s is in order…